Futur Proche, curated by Sayali Mundye

Futur Proche, curated by Sayali Mundye

Futur Proche

Curated by Sayali Mundye

Date: 12 Jan. - 26 Feb., 2023

Futur proche or the near future seems like something close, yet just slipping out of our reach. This future fluctuates between disparities: fixed and upcoming, changes and constants, new and old, rules and freedom. Unlike the present tense fixed with no exceptions and assurance of the act taking place in immediacy,’ ‘futur’ is cyclical like history has taught us over the years - fighting for rights, climate, our existence. Futur proche brings together physical and NFT works by a range of artists from South Asia who are responding to specificities of an imagined time, some are warnings, drawing into the past while hoping, creating, critiquing, reflecting for better times.


Kunel Gaur

Manjot Kaur

Osheen Siva

Pallavi Paul

Prajakta Potnis

Sajid Wajid Shaikh

Santanu Hazarika


Victor Hazra

Yasir Waqas

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