Collection: Sheshadev Sagria

Sheshadev Sagria



Sheshadev Sagria artistic journey has been marked by a deep-rooted connection to his homeland and a diverse exploration of various mediums. Sagria's practice has been recognised through several prestigious awards such as the Inlaks Fine Arts Award in 2023 and was named the Manorama Printmaker Runner-up in 2020. He has held numerous exhibitions including Metaphors For Land, curated by Shristi Sainani, APRE Art House, 2023; Imaginarium 3.0, Emami Art Gallery; Embark III, OVR, Gallery Ark in Vadodara, Gujarat, 2020 and Pushing Print, curated by Dr. Bess Frimodig, Art Buzz Studio, New Delhi, 2019. He has also showcased his works thrice at the Kochi Muziris Students Biennale (2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2018-2019).