Collection: Harsha Vardhan Durugadda

Harsha Vardhan Durugadda



Harsha Durugadda's multidisciplinary practice encompasses sculpture, performance, installations, and sound. He holds a Master of Arts Diploma in Visual Communication from WLC College, New Delhi, 2011, and an MA in Arts and Aesthetics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, 2016. Durugadda has been honored with awards such as the Biafarin Award, NordArt, Germany, 2018, and the Rio Tinto Sculpture Award, Australia, 2017. His solo exhibition 'Whirling Out' was showcased at Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, 2016. He has participated in various group exhibitions worldwide, including Nord Art, Büdelsdorf, Germany, 2018, and Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe, Australia.

Currently based in Hyderabad, India.